More Markie Mularkie
an_old_friend lied and deceived:
K4YZ wrote:Mork Moron Molests Dead Children
repeating you does not make it true
What lie?
yep then post your post I was cught on tape
It was.\nope you ahve never posted proof
just more vague lies a
Nothing's "vague"a bout it.
Forget what you were going to day, Fatboy?
Obviously you did.
Yet another lie caught in today!
It takes an especially lowlife punk to "use" a dead child's memory
the way you are, Mork.
at least I telling the turth unlike you
No, you're not.
sure I am
your daugter was defective
Ergo you are EXACTLY proving what I've been saying about you!
that does not prove I raped anybody or molested a chil
YOU claimed you took sex by force
no I have not
Sure you have.
you are lying about that steve
No I am not, Mork.
can you prove it not even you to prove just asking if you can
Sure I can.
how? how could you prove if you cared to
First of all my now-youngest child is in Junior High school....No
short yellow bus for her, like you, Morkie.
her defective nature steve
What "defective nature"...?!?!
the nature you posted about
What "defective nature"...?!?!
You can't get your story straight, can you?
all you have to do is promise to stop your lies about and the rest of
the folks here
What lies?
all of them
WHAT lies...?!?!?
Mork Moron Molests Dead Children
It's not a lie. You've done it in this very post.
nope I have not touch anyone letalone a dead child
Sure you have.
You molest the memory of my deceased daughter with each and every
And the city of Illiopolis says you had some seriously shady
dealings with children in Illinois.
there is one Makr Moragn caught on tape is another your claim that Todd
father has aids is another
Who's Makr Moragn? Getting too danged angry to even spell your
own name right, Putzboy?
no typeing to fast
No...typing too STUPID.
welldone killing time for now My old man has an paointment at the doc
have steve with your lies
Out to get HIS welfare re-validated for the current appliation
period, Morkie?
Steve, K4YZ