Thread: Co-phased yagis
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Old May 19th 06, 10:20 PM posted to
Jay in the Mojave
Posts: n/a
Default Co-phased yagis

Hello Dr. Death:

I have that info if anyone needs it. It is the factory info from Avanti
or Antennas Specialists.

I remember that I would space the Moonraker 4 beam antennas more than
what the factory spec's say. But it's quit a project to have that muck

Using a Moonraker 4 or 6, you will need a good tower and rotator. A TV
Push-up mast, and a light weight TV type rotator will not do.

Jay in the Mojave

Dr.Death wrote:

I used to have a link on stacking moonrakers, but I lost it in a hard drive
It seems that you also have to have them a certain distance apart to be
effective. Also a 10 degree upward tilt will result in better DX if I
remember correctly.