Greg Queen wrote:
I am no expert on the "legalese", but it appears the FCC has specified power
in terms of Effective Radiated Power (ERP). The standard is no more than
50-watts radiated by a dipole in free space. My interpretation is that you
look at the performance of your antenna at its maximum radiation point
(i.e., the azimuth & elevation) and compare it to the radiation from a
dipole in free space at its maximum radiation point(s). If your antenna has
less radiated power than the dipole, then you can feed more power to the
antenna (up to the point that you get the same radiation as a dipole in free
But a horizontal dipole over ground has a gain over a dipole in free space.
Consider a horizontal dipole with a maximum gain of 6 dBi Vs a free space
dipole with a maximum gain of 2.14 dBi. Do you have to decrease the power
to the horizontal dipole over ground to bring it down to 2.14 dBi?
Consider a vertical dipole with a maximum gain of 0 dBi. Can the power
be increased to obtain the free space 2.14 dBi or 6 dBi over ground?
73, Cecil
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