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Old May 21st 06, 08:53 AM posted to
Dave Oldridge
Posts: n/a
Default Auto-Tuners with balanced antenna?

Ed wrote in
. 192.196:

Any recommendations for an automatic tuner that will work well with
balanced antennas fed with 600 ohm ladder line?

Specifically, I have in mind a 160M dipole fed with ladder line.

Well, I've not tried THAT, specifically, but my MFJ939B will load a 50foot
piece of what looks like 200 or 150 ohm twinlead with half of one side
stripped away just fine, if I connect up the internal balun. And I mean
LOAD it--on any frequency from 1.8 to 30mhz.

I've also loaded small loops with it well off their resonant points and use
it all the time to lead hamstick whips well off their resonant points.

I don't think you'd have any real trouble as long as the 600 ohm line ran
straight away from the antenna, at least in the near field.

Dave Oldridge+
ICQ 1800667