get help
"an old freind" wrote in message
I am far more educated than you will ever be.
not according to your own admission
You and I prove it with every post. You butcher the english language.
which mean you are uneducated if therest is true it is shame
Formal education isn't everything. What's sad is that you probably finished
high school, yet cannot spell or form coherent sentances.
Of course you are a general in the Salvation Army.
nope I am Kentucky Colnel I opsose the existance of the salvation army
Another lie. You live in the north. I doubt you could point out Kentuky on a
And what's wrong with the Salvation Army? They do a lot of good for the
but you are still a cowrd hiding behind your keynoard huring insults
and making chaleanges but afraid to extend the honor of giving so much
as you name
Name the time and place and I'll be there puss.