Hurricane Season in glendale west virginia? NOOOOOOOO!!!
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May 22nd 06, 03:57 PM posted to,,
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Retard Lardass Davies "Billy Smith" the fired pizza boy drools about another man, of course Billy Smith is queer!!
Billy "I have a pizza face with all my pimples" Smith wrote:
Billy "queer corn cob boy" Smith wrote:
N0VFP wrote:
an old freid to some a nightmare to steve wrote:
an old freind wrote:
No, you are too stupid to see that you are illiterate.
no I not not ileterate
No, you are an illiterate, welfare leech.
nope none of the above aplly to me
Wrong, markie, all of the above and much more apply to you, loser.
Hahahha. A fifty year whaaaaaaaaaah!
BWHAHAHAHAHAHA here you are, 3 AM, drunk and alone with no woman
whining about another man, fired pizza BOY, fired from the only job you
are qualified to do and you don't even have a G.E.D. Oh, the irony,
Funny boy how I
Fuuny boy, how I've called your "place of employment" and they say
they've fired your fat ass. You always ****ed up the pizza orders,
fatty! Poor fired pizza boy, you are following in your drunk of a
daddy's footsteps, pimple face!
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