Thread: Co-phased yagis
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Old May 22nd 06, 07:11 PM posted to
Caryl Duncan
Posts: n/a
Default Co-phased yagis

Captain Boss used to tell me about the 10 degree thing. He did lots of
"little things" like that.
"Dr.Death" wrote in message
"Jay in the Mojave" wrote in message
Hello Carly:

No you use the 75 ohm coax from the Tee to the antennas. You can use odd
mulitibles of (RG11 Coax) 1/4 wavelengths, from the Tee to the antennas.
But thew lead in coax can be 50 ohm coax. I suggest the flexable LMR400.

The ARRL Antenna Book has all this neat o stuff in it.

Here are a few neat yagi sites.

Jay in the Mojave

I used to have a link on stacking moonrakers, but I lost it in a hard
drive crash.
It seems that you also have to have them a certain distance apart to be
effective. Also a 10 degree upward tilt will result in better DX if I
remember correctly.