sgc dipole?
In article ,
BKR wrote:
ml wrote:
I was wondering a few things i read about in my sgc tuner manual about
a) they say or sorta recomend that if your making a simple horiz ctr fed
dipole, it's 'best' to have one leg longer
why is that 'a good idea' what happens that makes this sorta advisable
b) they recomend the longer leg to be the rf 'ground'' side , really
confused as to why, my gut would tell me to make the hot side the
longest leg so i am confused
can anyone help me understand the above, i kinda understand how the wave
looks on a regular horizontal ctr fed dipole is
any help appreciated
It is the same reason that when you build a standard 2 meter ground
plane antenna, that the ground plane is constructed with wires or rods
about 20.5 inches each. That is close to a quarter wave without
compensating for end effect. The radiating element is about 19.5 inches
which does take the end effect into account.
It will result in less RF on the outside of the coax.
ahh less rf on outer coax that i get glad i followed the directions!
thanks very much