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Old May 23rd 06, 01:39 PM posted to
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Default More Morkie Mularkie

an old fIEND wrote:
Stev you have claimed to be telling thurtH

Uh huh.

And you've not been able to prove otherwise

lets prove or not once and for all
You claim you can make a FBI feild agent vist me DO IT put up or shut

Mork, I have never claimed that I can "MAKE" an FBI agent, or any
OTHER agent do anything.

be sure and tell the agent : that I am child molestor and give the
nagemt oyur "proof" that I am a welfare fraud, and give your proof any,
repeat your claim that the City of Illiopis has said I am child
molestor, that my wife is male, that I have aids, that I am cliam to
recieveing SSI or SSD?

I don't need to do ANY of that, Mork.

All I DO need to do is include your death threats of November 2005
and your numerous lies about your alleged military service, especially
as a commissioned officer.

I can also add in that your father is collecting public assistance
while living with you.

That's fraud, Morkie. Do you REALLY want your father drawn into
your newsgroup rantings?

do it and sign your name to such to federal officer then come back and
tell us all who you made this report to so I can try to get you sent to
jail for lying to the feds

How do you suggest that you can "get (me" sent to jail",

Steve, K4YZ