an old freid to some a nightmare to steve wrote:
sodomized by an old friend wrote:
ass****ed by an old freind wrote:
nobody wants to suck wisemen
You do, Markie.
Yep, you would.
yes I would
Markie admits it!
I would as I said
Markie admits he'd suck another man's dick!
sure thing I have siad many times
You must've had some upbringing, you perverted pedophile.
that however would seem to be seeing your self in the fglared
BWHAHAHAHA Lame even for you, perverted pedophile Markie.
get help wismen
Get help for your Wiseman obsession, dumbass.
or get a blow job if you can afford it
I could always get your so-caled wife Gavi to do it for free, she's
that big of a whore.
noope she says shed do
Of course, she'd do it, she has done it all her life especially to
those truck drivers!