sgc dipole?
I expect there's not supposed to be any feedline between the antenna
and the tuner in this installation, so I think that it probably is to
moderate the impedance for a ham band antenna cut for the lowest band.
It is witchcraft, but if you're selling antenna tuners to people who
don't know anything about the impedance issues with an all band wire,
it's better to give them a rule of thumb to avoid cooking the tuner,
especially when they don't read the bit in the manual where it's a
"100W" tuner on SSB and they fire up on RTTY.
BKR, where did you get that explanation?
I think you should measure the RF on the outside of your coax when it's
an odd multiple of a quarter wave long including the loading effect of
the case of the radio and the ground half of your dipole is made 5%
longer than the other half.
Listen to Tom. He knows common-mode current on the feedline!