assraped by an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an Old friend tried to pass off yet another tall tale:
Get to telling us about your fake college degrees, high school dropout.
Impoosible since I don't have fakes degrees I have real no r am I a hs
I'll agree that you don't have any "fake" degrees...Because you
have NO degrees at all.
Your "degrees" are imaginary. A lie. Deceit. Like the rest of
your life.
You won't name the institutions, the disciplines in which you
allgedly were granted a degree, or when those degrees were
In otherwords...Not a single bit of documentary evidence that any
of your claims were even remotely true.
just like your claim to be a marine
Or your claim to be a "Colonel."
you like demanding the impossible
get help
YOU "get help", Mork. Stop your lying. "Get help" for your
devaint behaviour.
no behavoir that I need to get help for
No? Let's start with your lying, spamming, and talking about a dead
why today?
Why not? It's not like you have anything else to do, welfare leech.