Question about the uses for an antenna design
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May 24th 06, 12:02 PM posted to
Jerry Martes
Posts: n/a
Question about the uses for an antenna design
"BKR" wrote in message
Is it something like the Lindenblad?
I'm always interested in an antenna design. Making some drawings or
taking some photos (or both) and putting them up on a website with some
measurements is a fine way to publish your construction.
If you are trying to make some money, I can help for some percentage to
be decided :-)
Seriously, though, everyone would be interested in the concept. Put it
up on a webpage, even if just a couple of photos. I think and
some other sites will give you hosting.
I believe this idea has already been done and used at major airports for
VHF communication. The ones I have seen have 4 dipoles on stalks, and
each is 45 degrees from horizontal. They are used for aircraft in closs
proximity to the field where polarization is unpredictable as craft enter,
leave, and cross over the strip.
That airport antenna is probably a Lindenblad. It has a serious "lack of
sensitivity" toward zenith. That "null straight up" isnt important at an
I submit to you that, although this Cross concept is basic and simple,
nobody has yet documented *anything* on it. The Quadrafilar Helix has the
same general pattern characteristics as the Cross, but the Helix is alot
more difficult for me to build and understand. In addition, the Cross can
be made to have considerably more sensitivity toward the horizon than the
Quad Helix.
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