More Morkie Mularkie
an old friend tried to hide his culpability:
K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend lied:
an_old_friend deceived:
back when steve Robeson still had a vague conceection with the real
world he wrote the post that can be found at this following url
Steve does have a REAL connection with the "REAL" world, Mork.
you clearly don't
Sure I do. ds+OR+std)& cy%2Fbrowse_frm%2Fthread%2Fc66f6a59fdbd369f%3Ftvc% 3D1%26q%3Dk4yz+(child+OR+aids+OR+std)%26hl%3Den%26 #doc_0879bafe78d6ff3e
the operatant sentence
Morkie, what's a "operatant sentence"...?!?!
"If I said: "Mark Morgan is a child molester", THAT would be
because it would be deliterious to your personal character and is
something I
have absolutely NO evidence of. . "
In 1998 steve knew better but now he does not
you missed this one I gues you hoped nobody would notice
Nope. Didn't miss it at all, Mork.
you avoided it
Not at all.
There's nothing to address there. Nothing that's not been convered
a thousand times before, that is...
Unlike you, I have a life outside of RRAP.
lying agin steve
Judging by the sheer volume of your posts, the times you posted
them, and the number of alternate screen names you use to get around
posting limits, it appears as though you spend over 18 hours a day in
front of your computer...Or at least keep comiong back to it, no doubt
to try and get "the last word" in.
I have other things to do than try to play the tit-for-tat role
with you.
Besides, it only takes a few lines and a few posts to make a fool
out of YOU!
but I do notice you once had a bit of sense
but you abandoned that in your efforts to be corwd the king of the ####
Yet another thought lost in the mangled mind of Morkie Moron.
still waitng for you to explain why you cahnged you mind and decided
that calling someone a child molestor is not slader you said it was
then and say it isn't now
It's not slander when it's true.
Try English, fatboy.
Yes, you are, fatboy.
Steve, K4YZ