FS midland 79-290
CW wrote:
See Mark, right there.
Why do you have to act so snotty to that guy?
snotty asking a question which is how one finds out thing is snotty
That's why you're so
disliked.Maybe if you asked some real questions you may know if the OP
"could be trusted". What a nasty,mean sprited post on your part.
FYI.....check the price on 79-290, Opened up for the freeband and 10
agin the price of a cb with ssb and am runs about 150
what has this got to make it worth what I could almost buy a new radio
for, and worth the risk entialed in trusting that radio even worked we
all know bad seller are out there
Stop projecting your problems on others. You may actually learn to be
I am happy
why do you think I am unhappy?
at least I have the cowarage to sugn my name don't do it all the time
Mark Morgan
is my name what is yours