On 2004-12-09, ronaug wrote:
I recently bought a GE Superadio III for listening to talk radio on distant
stations. I've noticed that often when I turn it on in the morning, there
will be a good bit of static. Sometimes after c. 15-20 minutes, the static
will suddenly get very loud, then there is a loud pop, then the static
completely disappears and the sound is crystal clear. I have been unable to
link this to anything going on in the house, like an appliance being turned
off or anything like that.
First you need to find out if the problem is environmental, or something to
do with the radio. If the interference is envrionmental, then problem may
not be being created in your house, it could be at a neighbors.
Does the problem only occur in the morning?
If you left the radio off for an extended period then turned it on at night,
do you still have the interference?
If the static only occurs at certain times of day, look for something on a
timer, either at your house or in a nearby -- street lights cycling off
Try using the radio in a different location, away from your house -- if you
still have the problem, then it is most likely something to do with the radio.
Try leaving the radio on all night, with the volume turned all the way down.
Do you still have the interference when this happens -- if so, then the
problem is local and not internal to the radio.
Alex / AB2RC
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