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Old May 25th 06, 06:27 AM posted to,,,alt.ham-radio.vhf-uhf
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Default What radio equipment do you own Markie?

U-Know-Who wrote:
"an_old_friend" wrote in message

Howard W3CQH wrote:
Why don't you take this CRAP off line to your friends - it doesn't belong
any of the HAM RADIO newsgroups!

becuase he is too much of a cowardly child to do so

I thank you sir for puting the blamewhere it belongs on the posters of
such crap

for my part Id be glad not to discuss such a subject in any radio NG if
the rest of the NG would only do the same

Read the subject, put your money where your mouth is.

fine partail inventory

2 sattelite rig (ft 847w which has hf and 6m all mode) and( the Icom
901h wiith 1.2 gig unit) satetlites are one my my favortie moide

several general dual (2m 440 Fm) icom and kewood the Kenwood jas been
fitted with thei VC -H1 SSTV unit

a 6m fm aliinco Mfj 6 m USB

hTs a CB ht (with sbb too boot and and adjusted to allow 10m op whch
should matter soon enough) the relitively new Yeaszu quad band FM,
alincio 222 FM, the small alinco monoband pagers (2m and 440 )FM I hgot
for my wife also a ham now a icom HT 2m sport is at the end of the
model name working RS HT for 2m and 440 the RS mini 440 fm they made
some years back.

other gear rs 10 m moble (been using it to drive tranverts to vhf and
uhf bands

tranververters for all mode acces to 222 band and 900mhz band

I am amps for 6 m (all mode) 2 meter and 440 amp ( I have several in
aossrted sizes)

Fast scan tranmiter units (full analog tv) tranmiters for 440 and 900
mhz ham bands

i have ana asortment of RC gear including a 6m Rc unit

cb gear am unit instal in my bed room and my fathers and the ham shack
the shack and my pick have ssb cappple cb and daul band ham FM, my AATV
(ampihp ATV) has 2 m FM VHF marinem and cb am

pair xceiver wfm (gunn diode type homobreww unit for 5 and 10 gig
I know I am over looking a few thing here and there

the staion is capple of operting all mode on all ham from 160m to 1.2
gig except the relitively new 60m alocation as well as cb am usb lsb
the log includes various mode inculding a HSCW MS and EME botht of the
latter using CW (computer generated and decoded since I can't do it
manually) some where I have the gear to put the APRS station back on
the air but a couple of peices have been hiding in the dreaded "safe
place" since our move