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Old May 26th 06, 01:44 AM posted to,,,
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Default ARRL members, I need your help...[snip]

Slow Code wrote:
"Steve N." wrote in

OK, OK, OK I'll bite just a bit...

This still comes directly from the "CW or nothing" concept.
73 (in the truest sense)

My arguement has always been for the quality of the hams. You appreciate
something more that you had to work to achieve, and respect the rewards
it gives.

you arguement is false

I value things based on their proifit to me

My tech license is higher profitable becuase it took little to get and
get me a lot

Cheapening something makes it disposable.

how is making testing reflect reality cheapening?
Ham numbers are declining.

becuase of age mostly

hams are litterly dying off
