Thread: LIsten To Woger
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Old May 26th 06, 12:16 PM posted to alt.cocksucker.roger-wiseman,,
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Default LIsten To Woger

Note the comments made by Roger that others have run from doorstep
visitors...he quotes Les Locklear, a known turd, who authored a bogus
"account" of Oris Grim visiting Lloyd some years back. Nothing of the sort
happened, but that has not swayed Roger from proclaining this as fact.
Roger, on the other hand, has gone to great lengths to either deny or say
nothing of Dave's up front and honest visit to Roger's front door just a few
weeks ago.
While Roger accuses Lloyd of being a coward, it was Roger who hid behind HIS
door and cowered in the back room until Dave and his wife went away.
Roger first claimed he was home and chose to not answer the knock. Later, as
all Roger lies go, he dummied up yet another story and claimed that his girl
friend was alone in his house and refused to answer while Roger was at a
local grocery store.
This is false. Roger has no girlfriend. He was home when Dave knocked on his
door and Roger hid, cowering, in the rearmost corners of his house.
For Roger to accuse Lloyd of hiding from "visitors" is the ultimate of
It was Roger who, afraid, ran to the back room and hid from Dave.

Dave and his wife were up front and honest. It was Coward Roger (ab8mq) who
hid in the dark recesses of his 600 sq foot home while dribbling urine down
his leg.