Thread: LIsten To Woger
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Old May 26th 06, 03:42 PM posted to,
Stagger Lee
Posts: n/a
Default LIsten to cocksucking lisping fired pizza boy Fatass Davies

On 26 May 2006 06:28:06 -0700, Secwet Woger, Coward wrote:
: Saggy tits Dave wrote:
: On 26 May 2006 05:58:42 -0700, Secwet Woger, Coward wrote:
: Lardass Lloyd whined:
: Note Lardass' lies Fatass Heil nor his wife showed, fatty
: Note the fact Lardass ran his mouth on the internet and was a no-show
: at Dalton hamfest. He also hid behind the HUD apartment door (it's a
: small two roomer , less than 300 square feet) and sreamed "leave me
: alone" in his whiny high pitched lisping girly voice. Google has all
: this archived.
: Google
: Quit lying you fat sack of ****. How's your wife doing laping up the
: dog's **** with her diseased tongue?

As usual, Cowardly Woger runs from the truth and tries to change the
subject. Did those words hurt, Woger? Didn't you like having the
truth of the (old) forgery pointed out yet again?

Now run away and post the same old cut and paste crap you always use.
It beats thinking, doesn't it?

[This space reserved for a cut and paste reply from the newsgroup dummy.]

In message , AB8MQ shows his technical
cluelessness about IP addresses when he ominously asks: "Still using: