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Old May 26th 06, 09:37 AM posted to
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Default The Right Perspective - Tonight 10pm EST

"The Right Perspective," with Frank from Queens and John of Staten
Island, airs tonight 10pm EST over shortwave WWCR 3.215 Mhz and over
the Internet at

Dubbed "New York's Most Dangerous Callers to Talk Radio" by no other
than Bill Clintion himself, Frank and John never fail to deliver
explosive conservative talk radio in a style that had listeners calling
into shows such as Bob Grant to ask if they had been on the air yet.

Frank delievers assailing commentary on explosive issues of the day
such as illegal immigration, historical revisionism and the rise of
Socialism, with brash commentary and unapologetic solutions culled from
a life experience, decades of following and debating politcs, and his
degrees in History. One part of their show, "Hello, Africa!," developed
from a segment into a full-fledged show-within-a-show, where they shed
light on the Dark Continent and have interviewed such controversial
guests as Dr. Lets Pretorious, Eugene Terreblanche and Henry Pinkham.

Frank and John's unapologetic stance means you will never find them
fence sitting or making nice-nice with Leftist Poverty Pimps the way
Bill O'Riley does with Al Sharpton. Many of Frank's key points and
phrases wind up being echoed the following weeks on such shows as Sean
Hannity, Michael Savage, and even Rush Limbaugh.

Hear what the other conservative talk radio hosts will be saying next
week tonight at 10pm EST at

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