There used to be a guy who sold paint for Hammarlund and (I think) some
Hallicrafters radios, but I believe he disappeared from the Internet a few
years ago.
If you take your cabinet to an auto paint supplier (not an auto parts
store), they should be able to do a computer color match and mix up paint to
match. If you have a sprayer, they'll give it to you in a quart can. If not,
they can make up spray can(s) for you. I believe it cost twenty-some bucks
the last time I did this, and one spray can was more than enough to do a
In practice, there may not be a single "correct" color for a given model.
There could have been different paint runs that were not strictly identical.
The Hallicrafters SX-28 front panel is an example. Some of them are "reely
reely dark grey," others look pure black. When I took in one SX-28 panel for
a color match, they did a test drip on the back of the panel to doublecheck
the color and wrote "midnight black" next to it. Duh. I could have saved a
few bucks by picking up a can of black Rustoleum at the hardware store.
In any case, if you computer-match what's on your cabinet, then you have
matched the color they were using in the factory on that day :-)
The poor man's solution is to take your cabinet to the local auto parts
store and pick out a spray can with the closest color (assuming there's a
reasonable match). If it looks right to you, it'll probably look right to
everyone else.
Phil Nelson
Phil's Old Radios