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Old December 20th 04, 10:24 PM
Caveat Lector
Posts: n/a

Hey Dee you qualify for 4, most certainly

Whats mine is his and vice versa -- well in most things anyway

Caveat Lecter

"Dee Flint" wrote in message

"Caveat Lector" wrote in message
Ah Sir Walter -- Happy Holidays Old Chap

But on the other hand, I know many DXers who are very pure
1. No DX Nets
2. No Lists
3. No packet cluster assist
4. Always worked from their own station
5. Will not accept relays or help from others in getting the report
6. QRP or 100 Watts Only

I qualify for 1,2,4,5,and sometimes 6 - I go QRO as needed (;-)
Guilty of number 3 (;-)

On the other hand -- a local has one away from honor roll -- all on the
DX nets. Yuk like shooting fish in a barrel
For other readers -- Yeah I know -- ya got a vertical -- so do I.

Well I would qualify for 1,2,5, and 6. Most of the time I qualify for 4
but if I'm at a friend's house I may use their radio. I worked several
stations from my OM's home before we were married. But I did all my own
work to break the pileup. It wasn't one of us calls, gets them, and then
hands the mic over for the next person. One of us would call til he/she
got them, then the other person would call until he/she also got them.

I and my OM are both hams and have separate stations. However, we
frequently "borrow" each other's setup just to keep from having to swap
antenna cables all the time since we have different antennas.

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE