A repainted BA is WORTHLESS ! ! !
Many cabinets (and their contents) can be saved from the dumpster by a
Check out this Halli T-54 TV (companion to the SX-42 receiver).
http://cgi.ebay.com/HALLICRAFTERS-AN...cmd ZViewItem
Do you think that stripping & repainting the cabinet will make the entire
set worthless?
Tell that to someone with a hopelessly dented/twisted T-54 cabinet, or
someone with the electronically identical Halli 505 TV whose wooden cabinet
was smashed into pieces.
Anybody with average skills could start with this hopeless-looking cabinet
and make it look presentable in a day's work. Restoring the lettering would
take a little more time, but I think you get my point.
If you're hooked on the aged look, I can sell you a few bales of used #0000
steel wool, stinky/soiled refinishing cloths, and other materials that you
can rub onto your newly painted cabinet to make it look as "original" as you
Phil "lighten up" Nelson
Phil's Old Radios