"an old friend" wrote in message
another set of ppost from steve
still no explation of his admision he slanders me
we haves teve welching on another bet
steve lies about the contents of Riley Dayton statement
steve refuses to address the facts he lacks proof of of any of his
steve tries to hijack another thread
all in all another statndard day in RRAP
but these statdard are becomeing fewer as the mound of stuf that steve
is avoiding grows ever higher
I supose steve has on Dr death and Tom and fred that he will sign his
name making him less cowardly then they but he still demands others
help him do his stalking and harrasment
wonder if Wismen will be on later most likely he will will he have
anything remtoedly new to type almost certainly not
willon day the FFC willa ct and I can move on from here having been in
on the end of that alatros of the ARS code testing
Get a spell check, you moron.
Mark got caught forging messages over Steve's name with:
"Steve's" post has headers:
Your reply contains headers:
Injection-Info: 38g2000cwa.googlegroups.com; posting-host=
'Nuff said.