Retard queer Markie the child molesting pervert whines!
Not Cocksucker Lloyd wrote:
ass****ed by an old freind wrote:
Saggytits Lee wrote:
On 26 May 2006 06:38:18 -0700, Cowardly Secwet Woger wrote:
: Stagger Lee wrote:
: On 26 May 2006 06:02:16 -0700, Secwet Coward Woger wrote:
: :
: [lies flushed]
: The fact is, **** up, he did post it and it wasn't a forgery, you
: ignorant fat ****.
Oh, Saggy, how's the high blood pressure, you fat ****? Was it exciting
for you to watch your wife go down on your family pet?
Get to dying of your AIDS, faggot.
Keep drinking hard liquor Scheissman, and take your meds, maybe you'll
overdose soon.