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Old May 31st 06, 05:48 PM posted to,alt.military.cap
an old friend
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Default more of Maj Robesons Paranoia

K4YZ wrote:
an old fiend went through yet another mind altering experience:

conitnues to alter attrubtion in violation of the ToS

but he doesn't care about breaking the rules

You'd never pay it.

.of course I would not since i would not lose

Yes, You would.

nope my father in law already thinks you are a peice of #### from
reading your posts nothing you can say or "reveal" to my fatherin law
can harmm my relationship in the slightest

Then your father in law is as big a pervrt as you are, Morgan!

not being the Bigot you are does not make someone a prevert

you are slandering a navy vet in attacking him but thtis ok with you
and your lies about cseing combat yourself

Especially with that solicitation for gay sex of yours that
"outed" you in the first place.

nope my father inlaw knows I am bisexaul he would have if you were ot
lying about my wife gender steve, if my wife is male as you insit he
has to know about that

Regroup and try that comment in English, fatboy.

itis I just used a complex sentence which sees to be byond you Maj

given the truth as it happens he knows I am bisexaul for that matter is
something I have in common with his daughter. He does disaprove of it
steve but it is not news to him

Then by allowing his daughter to marry a deviant, he has commited

allowing his daughter to marry?

how was he supposed to stop it?

about the only way he could would be to kill one of us

you certianly do seem to promote crime Robeson
Never welched on bet

Mork, your lack of honesty and character are reknowned.

never welched on bet no moatter how much you lie and say I do

It's no lie.

yes it is

Your lack of honesty and character are reknowned.


but still never welched on a bet or on an offer to bet

Part of your avowed approval of lying, no doubt.

no part of yours

Nope. I don't approve of lying.

then why do you do it steve?

I don't.

yes you do

you have told many lies about me

You CLAIM I do, but have yet to prove a single thing I've claimed
about YOU is wrong.


you ave fialed to prove any of them correct

you have not proven or even offered evidence to support your claim I am
child molestor
that I a m on welfare
that i was cominted to a mental institition
that I use concaine
that I am ever drunk
that I am not dyslexic

I have prooven thsaatifyou contacted the police about the crimes you
claim I have comitted they did not find any eveidence to ack you up

You do.

in some case yes I do

Then you admit you're dishonest.

in some cases

You ARE a documented liar and I wouldn't trust a "bet" made with
you any farther than I could pick you up and throw you!

meaning you welch again

To what?

to your offer to bet

Mork...Go to the library.
you said you wanted to bet me I accept and named a sum you refuse that
it at least backpedaling steve

How can I back pedal on something that was never agreed to,

you claimed you wanted to bet when I treid to tek you up on it you

I don't know how you can do tht and tell yourself you are not welching
but you manged

using the US mail for Harassment is a federal crime steve

It's not "harrassment" if it's true, Mork.

but your accusations are not true indeed some them he (my father inlaw)
would know are not true

I think there's a lot about you that your extended family does NOT
know about you.

in detail certainly there is

but your usingthe US Mail to "out" something about the sexualty would
be harrassment Maj Robeson

I have not been caught on tap molesting anyone that is false

Prove it.

can't prove a negitive

My wife is not male (and her daddy does know that for a fact, as you
would if you realy had had any contact in illiopis)

What has being in Illiopolis have to do with the fact that you
"married" a man, Mork?

the fact you have claimed to have extensive contact with the flks of
that town they know she is female

and you litold another unsuported liebl in saying she is male Maj

teacching children to lie about their identity is not child abuse

Yes it is.

not according to the State of Michigan

that I have ever been a rssident in mental ward

Yes, you have.

prove it
you can't because it isn't true

however even true statement can be deemed harrasment you no doubt would
object if someone told your wife that "while your husband has never
been seen to rape anyone it is supected by some that he desires to sex
with other men" that is a true statement and yet if made by the US Mail
to your wife might well be harrasment

Stating that I desire to have sex with other men IS a falsehood,

stating thatI think you have sexaul identy issue is not a flashood
Morkie, ergo your suggestion is, on the face of it, another fantasy of

nope it is something you can't face

Try again.

why the point is made

that statement in quotes is true since I certainly suspect it myself
based on your gay bashing

I don't bash gays, Mork.

yes you do
why the lies Maj Robeson

And your misconduct in this forum and avowed deviant and dishonest
behaviour ARE of your own utterance.

what Mis conduct If I am guilty of any misconduct then you are as well



you are wise not to enage it but you like to threanten it

you make lots of idle threats




then where are the feds?

where is mail you threatened to send to my Fatherinlaw

just like that one
and lawsuit threat and that i was goping to be busted for threatening
you and that iwas ever going to be comitted to mental institution
your threat to kill me in Illiopolis your threats to enage in battery
and harrassment here in the UP


yes all idle threat you made steve

you make lots of idle threats


yep lots of them

Steve, K4YZ