Thread: scorecard
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Old May 31st 06, 08:26 PM posted to
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Default More Morkie Mularkie

an old freind wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an old freind wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an old friend created yet another fantasy world in his own mind:
another set of ppost from steve

still no explation of his admision he slanders me

What admission of slander, Mork?

in the thread labeled such


in the thread labaled as such


we haves teve welching on another bet

No, you don't.

yes we do

Nope. We have you claiming I welched a bet, but there was never a
"bet" made.

you offered and then refused toto bet

Toto is a dog.

How can I "bet" with a dog?

Ergo we have Mark C. Morgan engaging in yet another lie.

well you choose to spell my name right for once

I spell it right all the time, Mork.

steve lies about the contents of Riley Dayton statement

There were no lies there, Mork.

yeys you do lie about it


We have you and Brainless Burke making allegations of things said
that were NOT said.

no we analysed what he said and comented on it

No, you said Mr Hollingsworth said those things.

He did not.

You lied.

In otherwords, you're liars.


Uh-yup. Both of you.

steve refuses to address the facts he lacks proof of of any of his
steve tries to hijack another thread

all in all another statndard day in RRAP

All in the fantasy world of Mark C. Morgan, KB9RQZ

nope you are the fiction wirter


The guy claiming to being able to "read between the lines" is...

then you are calling all the newcatsers lying too good comapny

"Newscasters" don't "read between the lines", Mork.

News COMMENTATORS do, but then ONLY when their comments are
clearly identified as being THEIR comments, of an editorial nature, and
NOT anyone elses words.

That would be YOU, fatboy.

on and on about fat Robeson

Well, Mork, you're a porker. Have been for years.

So get over it, fatboy.

Steve, K4YZ