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Old June 1st 06, 01:34 AM posted to,alt.military.cap
Lloyd II
Posts: n/a
Default steve slanders some more

"an Old freind" wrote in message

an old freid to some a nightmare to steve wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
DrDeath wrote:
"Mark_(gay no code tech)" wrote in

Dr Death wants billy smith to **** his fat lazy ass.

dr you are tlaking at one those that like to forge thing as being from

Why shouldn't he?

becuase forgeing is worng

You've been busted post-editing and forging this week

I can edit my posts I certainly can reiedt my post if you can as you do
I have not forged any post I have been accused of it of course without
eveidenc much ylike you do on a daily basis

yo u can try to hide but if anyone is reading the NG from CAP then you
ar just calling that much more attation to your misdeeds

and calling me a Child molestor and my wife a man are misdeeds

pitythe lawforbids deuling then you would dare say such things

I call you what you are a Coward

You? In a duel with Steve? Shoot (no pun intended), you've already come to a
battle of wits with no ammunition, Morkie.
And besides, about the only thing you'd shoot is your foot...the one that's
not in your mouth, that is.
Now why don't you stop spamming, Markie. Act like an adult. Get over your
fixation with Steve and stop spamming. One Wiseman out here is enough.
Grow up, Mark.
Life is difficult, but it's more difficult if you're Mark Morgan.