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Old June 1st 06, 12:45 AM posted to,alt.military.cap
an old friend
Posts: n/a
Default steve slanders some more

Lloyd II wrote:
"an Old freind" wrote in message


You? In a duel with Steve?

not likely after all if deuling where legal stev would never open his
mouth or would died years ago
Shoot (no pun intended), you've already come to a
battle of wits with no ammunition, Morkie.

realy and yo u can't even spell my name

Now why don't you stop spamming, Markie.

no spam from me

just reasoned replies to athe 2 phco nutjob of RRAP Wismen and Robeson
Act like an adult. Get over your
fixation with Steve and stop spamming.

gee you can't make up your mind am I fixed on Wismen or Robeson

peronaly id prefer to ignnor e both of them but you can't safely ignore
someone that insist on calling you a child molestor

it just lets such things fester and grow worse
One Wiseman out here is enough.
Grow up, Mark.

amusing how it is ok with to for steve to call me a child molestor over
and over again and not ok for me to defend myself

Life is difficult, but it's more difficult if you're Mark Morgan.