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Old June 1st 06, 01:23 AM posted to,alt.military
an old friend
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Default more Maj Libel from Maj Robeson

K4YZ wrote:
an old friend lied even mo
K4YZ wrote:
an old friend demosntrated his worsening paranoia:
K4YZ wrote:
an old freind made even more nonsense:
K4YZ wrote:
an old freind tried to deceive yet an entirely new NG:

altering attrbutes is a Violation the ToS of all ISP but he does it it

The content is true, Mork.

even were that the case it has been altered which makes it a ToS

So get jiggy with it, Mork!

get mental help steve you need it

Uhhhhhhh...No...YOU do...

for what?

That "In case of my untimely death..." blog pretty well proves it,

in the unlikely event of my untimely death

You've got some guts calling ME "paranoid", Morkie!

hardly with you making multi deaths thrats in day to take minor
precaution in case for once you were not just talking **** is hardly
paranoid merely prudent

Not in this forum.

yes you are or would be if CAP were a professional organization

CAP was not involved in this forum until YOU introduced it, Mork.

you introdcued long ago Steve look at what you post about yourself at

That's not making it a part of this forum, Morkie.

yes it is indeed it drags your dealing with in any ARS furm where you

it is least has something to do with the matter unlike your years of
calling Tod a Homosexaul a pedopile saying his father has AIDS and his
mother is gay

They still aren't.

they would if they were a profesionaly run displined services

CAP is a professionally run and "disciplined" organization, Mork.

obviosuly not

Their standards are pretty strong.

obviously not

they premit Officers to enage in conduct unbecoming without consequnce

That's why mental health idiots like you aren't allowed to hoin.

to HION who wants to hion CAP

Find me a post that's signed "Major Robeson", Morkie.

I see you ignored the suggestion to find a post in RRAP signed
"Maj Robeson".

More cowardice.

nope the fact you don't sign them as Maj Robeson machts nichts or would
if CAP were a Profesionaly run gruop

CAP has nothing to do with this group.

cap is the title of thone of these groups

Only because you keep putting it there.

indeed but you comrads at CAP need to what kind of filth they are
dealing with

My "comrads" (that's "comrades", BTW, putzboy) don't read

teh n you have nothing to bitch about

but me think thou doest protest too much for that to be true

I supect someone at CAP does read the NG from time to time

and again you show you obession with male gentials and in your dealing
with a Known bisexaul

oe that thinks nothing of mmaking defamoitory coment like child
molestor with evedence

insisting women are men

So far you've not proven me wrong.

the facts do

I only posted to RRAP.

meaning you are ashmed to let your fellow cap Member se you feeble
replies to me

Mork, the words out on you.

we shal see

maybe reading your own words in repling to your filth and leting them
in on it will change matter

maybe not

Notice that I am still a member of CAP after your LAST

yes I notice

which I why I state clearly CAP lack profesionism or displine

and it isn't ture so it is libelous

It IS true.


Lies and stalking.

it is lying to say you posted "Mark Morgacaught on tape molesting an
8yo" nope it suimply gving fair warning to your comrades in CAP that you
are lying decietful *******

yes I exerised my right over MY words

You "exerised" over your words, Mork?

yes I di
So...Mork...Are you EVER going to ante up the posts wherein you
allege that I sign my posts by my CAP grade?

I have never aleged that you just lied again

Nope. You said I post here as "Maj Robeson".

I said that

I demand to be shown WHERE I have ever posted as such in this

shove your demand steve

or better still bring on those federal agnet the ones you claimed you
have come and question me

Steve, K4YZ