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Old June 1st 06, 07:59 AM posted to
Richard Harrison
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Default Origins of the Magnetron

Reg, G4FGQ wrote:
"It was left to the Japanese to populate the World`s kitchens with
microwave ovens."

The Japanese proved adept at improving and producing high quality
technical products. Japanese didn`t market the first microwave oven.
Raytheon introduced its "Radar Range" soon after WW-2 ended. Japanese
copies were innovative, reliable, and cheap, so they won instant
acceptance worldwide.

The magnetron has been called the best import ever from Britain and I
think that comparison even included Bob Hope and Liz Taylor. At the time
of the magnetron gift to the U.S., British war production was already
bursting at the seams and the U.S. was well advanced in radar and had a
few tricks up its sleeve to improve the British gear.
I`ve noticed early British airborne radar using yagi antennas. That
seemed quaint to me.

Best regards, Richard Harrison, KB5WZI