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Old June 1st 06, 02:16 PM posted to
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Default Markie's Anymouse Buddy is a CBer

me wrote:
You're welcome,Mark. Don't let the bigots and wanna be's get to you. Hey
man, you ever work tropo on 2 meter ssb? I have 11 elements on the flat side

"...on the flat side..."

There was the red flag.

and a 250 box I run with my kenwood. The ssb on 2 is kinda cool. A bunch of
us got our tickets at the same time and we meet here on channel 39lsb and
then QSY over to 2 meters.

There's the other. No doubt using that FAKE ticket WA4TRZ to
operate on.

Sometimes we chat on 39lsb and laugh at the old
farts griping about cw and the no code techs. They're pretty funny. They'll
be even funnier after the code is dropped. I have my general as soon as the
code is dropped. Anyway dude don't let the gay bashers and bigots get you
down.I'll talk radio with you anytime you want.

Yeah..."CB" radio!

Another lame anymouse coward.

Steve, K4YZ