an Old freind wrote:
an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
There is suposably one near me in the UP. Buti sthis a lie?
forgery get help
You fake a post then tell yourself to get help.
no I post a response to a forgery
There's a message there, fatboy.
indeed there is but you don't get it
Steve, K4YZ
stop trying to hide you deeds steve you are surely proud of the stand
you have taken against me
Hide what deeds, Mork?
Yes...I am proud to rub your lies, deceit, and dishonesty in your
face. You lie about yourself, you lie about others, and your "facts"
about various programs and Amateur Radio in general are anything but.
You get what you deserve.
Steve, K4YZ