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Old June 1st 06, 04:13 PM posted to,
Not Cocksucker Lloyd
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Default Heil's hovel on top of a mining shaft

Billy "Lardass Lisping Lloyd Austin Davies" Smith wrote:
Not Cocksucker Lloyd wrote:

Lloyd the JEW wrote:

"N0VFP" wrote in message
The crossdressing Dave Heil wrote:

" wrote:

Wrong guess, and BTW, Markie, Wiseman's house is much better than your
filthy run down hovel.

I'm betting on the hovel.

You mean like yours atop a mine shaft and you are hoping to sell before
it falls in it when that cave-in occurs?

It is an interesting comparison though.

Is it valued at $27,700 like yours, Roger?

No, it's not valued at that, dumbass, but it's still better than living
in a HUD section 8 two-room apartment designed fo public housing in
the slums like you live in, Lardass!
And you are months behind on your rent, pizza BOY!

Roger has never had rent or a house payment because mommy gave him a
free place to live from age 40 onward.

While the failure in life pizza BOY can't even pay his HUD apartment
rent or any of his bills on time. Roger's Mom didn't have to give him
anything, dumbass. Get a ****ing clue, Lardass.