Markie lies out of his AIDS infested ass!
Billy Smith wrote:
Not Cocksucker Lloyd wrote:
assraped by an old freind wrote:
Billy Smith wrote:
It's like the fact that you hid from Heil and his wife.
Nope. He didn't he wasn't even home at the time the "visit" supposedly
occured. If it did at all.
you already admitted
Wrong Markie, nobody admitted to being there. It was Roger's girlfriend
who was home at the time and she didn't open the door, since she didn't
know them.
Roger's girlfriend!! Muahahahhahaha!! She exists about like this
so-called college degree Scheissman has, or a job, muahahhahahaha.
Poor Billy aka Lardass, he has no college, no girlfriend and just got
fired from his pizza boy high schooler's job! BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Roger
has two college degrees, dumbass, while all you have is a G.E.D. and it