Thanks for the info. It sure does make it easier. Grounded antennas like
a ground mounted vertical or inverted L could be modeled by removing
ground and adding a mirror image in free space, or by using perfect
ground and subtracting 3 dB from the resulting field.
Roy Lewallen, W7EL
Expeditionradio wrote:
From: Roy W7EL wrote
Hm. That means that you can't run more than about 16-20 watts to a n
ordinary dipole, since a dipole over ground produces a field strength
that's typically 4-5 dB greater than a dipole in free space.
Roy, the FCC has clarified this issue recently in communications with ARRL. The
FCC indicated we should do all our compliance calculations for 5MHz as if the
antennas are in free space.
That certainly makes it a lot easier, doesn't it?
Bonnie KQ6XA