Hammarlund HQ-100 tube placement chart needed
Thanks to everyone who helped with the info.. I do not have the cabinet
where the chart is placed. This radio had a burned out 15w 5K resistor
and the 200 ohm pot for the meter was totally shot(carbon flaked off).
Radio now works on the first 2 bands but dead on the upper. Unit was
recapped by the owner so not sure if there are any errors. It also had a
6BH6 where the 6BE6 should be.
Lou deGonzague wrote:
Thanks Don but you sent the set up for the 110. I checked it out and
they are very different. Do you have the 100 layout. I don't know why
they didn't include this basic info in the manual. I do appreciate the
Don Bowey wrote:
On 6/1/06 5:55 AM, in article ,
deGonzague" wrote:
I have the manual but it does not include a tube placement chart. I am
fixing this for a friend and am not sure the tubes are correctly placed.
If you can read a pdf file, I can email you the page that shows a top
of the tube placement.