National NC-155: Common or Uncommon?
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June 4th 06, 01:55 AM posted to
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National NC-155: Common or Uncommon?
in article et, David
Stinson at
wrote on 2/2/06 8:56 AM:
How often does one see a National NC-155?
Decent receiver for a boatanchor?
Photos at:
Dave its pretty common on eBay -
Very nice looking but a poor SSB receiver - AM sounds good but S Meter does
not work on this mode - just on SSB - Can't turn off AGC on CW - All this is
on the fuction switch and you could re-wired it to make it more "user
Product detector is produced by using a crude LC circuits - not more
expensive (stable) crystal based circuits - Envelope dectector is a simple
IN34a diode.
National only made this baby for just two years (1961-63) which shows you
just how well they were selling.
Overall I'd say it was about in the same class as a HEATH HR-10B -
I got mine off eBay and sold it on eBay a month later - Nothing wrong with
it - it's just not that good. On the other hand I bought a NC-190 off the
bay 3 years ago and I still have it. It's a MUCH better receiver plus it
does SWL as well.
Best receiver of this time period is still the Drake 2B -
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