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Old June 4th 06, 11:57 AM posted to,
Roger Wiseman
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Default here's a true radio post

"an old friend" wrote in message

Dave Heil wrote:
Roger Wiseman AB8MQ, posing as "K8MNsuxdix" wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
Howard W3CQH wrote:
To the ASS-HOLE that copied my information from qrz = YOU MUST REALLY


yep that is Wismen

Nope wrong again, registered sex offender Mark C. Morgan!

What's your defect, Wiseman?

please Dave we both know that list is way TOO LONG
At least W3 got part of it correct.
You're both stupid and a *******.

and the thrid part right he has nothing better to do

Dave K8MN

First off, Markie, I have parents. I have a mommy and daddy, just like you.
OK, so you have one up on me. You know who your mommy and daddy are and I
don't. I know who my mommy is, but just because I don't know who my daddy is
doesn't make you better than me, dumbass. Big ****ing deal.
I grew up without a lot of parental influence and I turned out just fine,
didn't I? I have a degree and almost have another one, unlike you who had to
get a GED when you turned forty.
I own my own house and it is paid for, unlike your HUD apartment, Pizza Boy.
I have a nice car with low miles on it and my Yugo is paid for, unlike your
car Pizza Boy.
Unlike you, Markie, I am a veteran. I spent four years in the Air Force
cleaning toilets and washing tables in the officers mess hall. I got to know
a lot of powerful Lt. Colonels, Seamen (a Navy thing) , and Generals and
have influential friends in high places. You still look for Boy Scouts to
give you enemas. The younger the better, right?
At least I learned how to drink beer the right way, Markie. I swallowed it
and didn't pour it up my ass like you prefer.
My offer is still open, Markie Boy. Come visit me any time you want if you
have the balls. If you do visit me you better bring a buddy. Why? Because
you will need a buddy to cover my back door to watch me run out of the back
of my paid for house while you are knocking on my front door. Dumbass Hi-El
should have sent his wife around to my back door when he visited. They
didn't see me sneak out and take off down the alley.
Oh, wait. I wasn't home when Dave claims he knocked on my door. I was at the
store. That is my latest lie and I am sticking to it. My mail order
girlfriend was home, but I wasn't. If Dave would have looked in the window
he'd have seen my girlfriend on the couch. I inflated her just a few moments
before he arrived.
So there, dumbass.