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Old June 4th 06, 09:28 PM posted to
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Default source for plug and play phased array "turner" for 6m

What are you building? Just experimenting?

not sure

I doubt there's a turn-key solution especially for 6m. There are some
companies that sell four-square boxes for the low bands, but they're
pretty pricey, and you're not going to get one for 6m.

any specail reason?

I think the only plug and play phased array turner for 6m you're going
to find is an antenna rotator to turn your yagi :-)

the problem I have had with that is the weather around always includes
an ice strom which feezes the yagi or take down the wholle antenna

You might be able to put together an RX phaser... I don't know if the
MFJ 1025/1026 phase boxes go up to 6m but they might work for you for

Let us know what you're making. I'm curious!

I hopeing to find something I can steer in some fashion that I can
harden aginst the local winter weather

My verticals do fine but looking for better
