Thread: I hear Demons.
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Old June 4th 06, 08:14 PM posted to
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Default I hear Demons.

Billy Smith wrote:
K8MNsuxdix wrote:

Billy Smith wrote:


Lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllLloyd

On Sun, 4 Jun 2006 01:58:48 -0500, Roger Wiseman CurtainsBoy@glendale wrote:

if your goal is harrass him over the edge so help is forced upon him
preahps I should just let you, but frankly I can hardly stand seeing
even that pethic piece of **** harrased that way


How about a deal, Markie Malarkie?
If you stop posting your dumb-ass comments here, I will too.
But since I am more intelligent than you are and live in a 600 square foot

Poor Lardass his two room HUD apartment in the slums is all he will ever

At least Lloyd

Hi Lardass, you live in a filthy HUD apartment on welfare and food
stamps , work a high school kid's job and mooched off mommy and daddy
until they kicked you out in 1998.


Meanwhile you continue to beg for money from crackwhoire mommy and drug
addict daddy and if Wiseman can't muster a radio signal, how could he
have ever jammed anybody?
Poor Billy Smith that two room HUD apartment in the slum is all he'll
ever have.

mansion I bet you won't take me up on this.
I own you, Markie. You dance to my tune like a dumb little puppet.


What's the matter, fatass, answering yourself again?