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  #10   Report Post  
Old July 6th 03, 06:57 PM
Chuck / KE4ETH
Posts: n/a

Actually a better idea might be to go to the West Tennessee Amateur Radio
Society and scroll down and click on the "Renewing your Amateur Service
FCC license" link in the left hand column. It reprints the directions for
renewing thru the ARRL if a member, getting the 605 from the FCC and step-by
step directions (from the ARRL website) for renewing on line with the FCC.

I do hope Andy finds the a more suitable answer then my misreading of the
original message.

I guess being a Rent-A-Cop means a Usenet Cop as well.

My opinion


"VHFRadioBuff" wrote in message
check with the W5YI or the ARRL websites or contact a local VE session

pay the fee and the will get it done. The same as if a new or upgrade


Pay the fee?! It's free to renew your ham license (Unless it's a vanity

73! de Andy KC2SSB (ex: KF4KHC/HL9HCT)
Beachwood, NJ USA! Grid FM29vw
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