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Old June 5th 06, 07:22 AM posted to
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Default With-Respect-To : IBOC AM Radio -vice- AM Radio DXing

In article .com,
"RHF" wrote:

For One and All,

With-Respect-To : IBOC AM Radio -vice- AM Radio DXing

As part of the DX Radio Community 'we' may not like IBOC
{High Definition} "HD" AM Radio Broadcasting and the
resulting adjacent Channel Noise that it will create;
that will make AM Radio DXing [Distance AM Radio Listening]
very-very-hard-to-do or completely impossible.

- - - B U T - - -

For the Owner's of AM Radio Stations IBOC AM Radio is a
valid business decision with respect to 'their' Local
AM Radio Markets and the Local AM Radio Listeners
that 'they' hope to attract as Listeners.


I don't think that a business model that exchanges current listeners for
the "hope" of attracting new listeners that require them to buy new more
expensive radios is a good plan.

Ventura, California