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Old June 5th 06, 03:03 PM posted to,,alt.cocksucker.roger-wiseman
Not Cocksucker Lloyd
Posts: n/a
Default Houston's crookedest car dealer!

Saggytits Lee wrote:

George M Wolf, KZ5B
532 Gardenia
Orange, TX 77630

His hag wife Edwina and caretaker for the Altzheimer's ridden
piece of ****, Angela!
His useless son:

NEW BRAUNFELS, TX 78133 830-907-3541

You're crying out that you want to suck Roger Wiseman's dick!

Just like the CIA runs anonymous remailers, huh, you ****ing clueless
fat ****?

Saggytits Lee ) talks out of his fat ignorant
ass again :
"did you know, Woger, that some of the anonymous remailers are operated

by the CIA?"

But then you think people "operate" dictionaries, too.

Saggytits Lee steps on his own tiny dick when he tried to correct
somebody else's English use first by saying one "operates" a dictionary

instead of reading it, then uses "things" instead of "thinks" in
"Translation: Woger can't figure out how to operate a dictionary, let
alone correct someone else's language.But that's not surprising from
who things that..."

Not to worry: Sgt. Vogler is as queer as you are! Maybe you can get
together real soon and play "Brokeback Mountain", after all you are
from TexASS!

Now, go take your Altzheimer's medicine, you ****ing retard.

Anonymous coward and all-around ****wit "Stagger Lee"
revealed his hypocrisy and ironically admits
he has no credibility by his own definition in message
"Therefore, I find your story difficult to believe. Your own anonymous

status makes the story even less credible."