Matching to Crystal Filter
David wrote:
Thanks. I am using single-ended output from the SA602 as well as for the
SA605 input. I decouple the unused output/input with 100n Cap in each case.
How do you know the match is working correctly ? My concern is that when
I build the circuit and sweep it with a sig gen and tune it for peak,
how do I know the match to is correct in the first place.
Andy replies:
Personally, I would use PSPICE to simulate the circuit to see if it
at the right point. Then I would measure the voltage at the top of the
tuned tank. Then I would replace the tank and load with a resistor
is equal to the source resistor and see that I have the same voltage...
Alternatively, the voltage on the output side of the Thevenin sourse
resistance should be half the voltage of the generator, if the load
is truly transformed up to the Thevenin source......
Little checks like that. Perhaps you can think of others..
I am sorry if your reader gave a problem with the formatting as I
was doing the best I could with what I had..... The "Qs" in the
last formulae are all " Q squared"..
You should look these formulae up in a book , like the ARRL handbook
or some other, to understand how they are used, and practice a little
with them... I wrote a BASIC program to do Series-Parallel conversion
using them, which makes it quicker (don't know where it is, tho).
Also, I would reccommend using PSPICE to verify all these small
to see how it works and verify that you are doing it right....
It's much easier that building and measuring, and you can try stuff out
get a better insight.....
Andy W4OAH