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Old June 6th 06, 02:49 PM posted to
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Default a note about queer Markie

an old freind wrote:
it is truly whine, Markie, whine!

1) He was drafted into the US Army.
2) He is a member of the Chemical Corps.
3) The military won't let him retire.
4) He doesn't serve under the name 'Mark Morgan', but that's okay, 'cuz
the FBI, DOD, and CIA have all told him he can do it.
5) He is on-the-lam from stalking former marines and fatal attraction
6) He was, until recently, paying $5/hr. to access his ISP
7) He has a 248 IQ, but can't figure out how to use a spell checker.
8) He is a bi-sexual 33 yr. old Pagan male ham who likes to be spanked.
9) He can't find any action on the military base in Central IL, so he
has to ask people on USENET.
10) He mooches off his terminally ill daddy in Chassell, MI