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Old June 7th 06, 06:45 AM posted to
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Default Matching to Crystal Filter

David wrote:

Thanks. I am using single-ended output from the SA602 as well as for the
SA605 input. I decouple the unused output/input with 100n Cap in each

How do you know the match is working correctly ? My concern is that when
I build the circuit and sweep it with a sig gen and tune it for peak,
how do I know the match to is correct in the first place.



For RF matching and filter responses, I like to use RFSIMM99 which is an
impedance analysis program using Sparameters.

The Sparameters are generally for active devices, but it also does a nice
job with resistors, inductors, and capacitors. One trick it has is a
tolerance analysis routine using monte carlo to choose randomg component
tolerances. Very useful when testing to see if a particular circuit is
likely to be tempermental, or if it will tolerate component variation.....

Just do a websearch for RFSIMM99 and you will find the program, it is

Jim Pennell


21:45 Pacific Time Zone
Jun 6 2006

International Time
04:45 UTC