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Old June 7th 06, 09:03 PM posted to,,
Michael Coslo
Posts: n/a
Default Have any of you mailed this to your ARRL Division directors andSM's yet?

Ed wrote:
No more automatic renewals. Individuals must retest and pass all

required for their license class.

The passing score for written exams needs to be raised to 85%.

Code elements should be 13 wpm for General, and 20 wpm for Extra.

Make the no-code Tech license one year non-renewable.

You forgot one item.... abolish the VEC program and mandate that
all candidates must test at an FCC Field Office.

Also, it would be nice to abolish transistors and madate using only
tubes, too! :^)

All licenses should be terminated, immediately, and future testing will
be a minimum of 110 wpm Morse code in a language that the applicant does
not know. All sent straight key.

Written tests will be changed to essay type. The applicant must
demonstrate mastery of all aspects of RF discipline at the PhD level.
Since people can look up answers in a book as well as a test question
pool, all work must be new and cutting edge. Any answer that can be
found in a book will disqualify the applicant.

Upon the successful defense of the applicant's thesis, a 20 year
waiting period starts. The work done by the applicant in pursuit of his
license must be demonstrated to have a lasting and profound effect upon
the RF discipline and especially so on the Amateur radio community.

There may only be 2 hams left, but just imagine how superior they can
feel about themselves........