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Old June 8th 06, 03:45 PM posted to,,,
David G. Nagel
Posts: n/a
Default I bought a large capacitance hat for my vertical, but the antennastill gets wet when it rains.

John S. wrote:

David G. Nagel wrote:

John S. wrote:

Or looking for a left-handed crescent wrench and fetching a bucket of
prop wash.

The problem with this joke is that the wrench exhists. Handedness in a
wrench is determined by which thumb closes the jaws. Right thumb right
hand wrench, left thumb left handed wrench.

I have a left handed crescent type wrench. Where was it made?
POLAND of course.

Wrench available for inspection.

You had me going there for a moment.....

I side is labeled L and the flip side is labeled R.

No. This is an honest to god left handed crescent style wrench. Hold in
left hand and close the jaws using the left thumb.